The Romberg's Connection 2009 Survey Results

Vitamin D Deficiency

Page 73. IV. Triggers (page 2 of 2) cont.: Vitamin D deficiency
1. Please comment on a Vitamin D deficiency:
Very possible
I wonder if mine is caused by SPF (sun protection cream) use because I use it to keep dark lines from getting darker. Have been on supplements for awhile now.
I now have vitamin D deficiency. I'm not sure if it was related to the IV steroid treatment I had or if I have always had it but didn't know it. I'm taking supplements but the progression still continues.
My Dr. first diagnosed me with very low vitamin D (diagnosed at 7) about a year and a half ago. That is the first time any Dr. had ever checked for vitamin D deficiency. I was prescribed 50,000 U once a week for quite a while (until my vitamin D was normal), then prescribed 50,000 U once a month.
I take vitamin D now and I think it helps. I have the girls take it as well.
I recently discovered I am severly vitamin D deficient.
Number responding = 6 / percent responding = 4% of total respondents (143).

Disclaimer: Please be advised that everyone's experiences may be different and appropriate treatments may vary. Any medical information that you find on The Romberg's Connection website must NOT serve as a substitute for a consultation with one's personal physician. Our visitors should discuss any specific questions or concerns they may have about Rombergs with health care professionals who are familiar with the specifics of their special case.
As a support group, The Romberg's Connection is unable to offer medical advice to anyone.

Throughout this survey, when we use the term "Rombergs" or "Romberg" we are referring to: "Parry Romberg", "Parry Rombergs", "Parry Romberg Syndrome" and "PRS".

This is an unscientific survey designed to gather information from those who must deal with Rombergs on a daily basis.