All photos and text are the property of the families represented, and may not be used without their consent.
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Theresa and Steven met Terry late Friday afternoon, getting off of the Empire Builder from Seattle, Washington. This was the first time that these three had met each other in person. Words cannot do justice to the feelings of finally meeting face-to-face.
Terry was barely off the train, when Theresa and Steven decided that he needed a better view of Chicago. The Sears Tower observation deck is the ONLY way to properly introduce Chicago.
Early Saturday morning, Terry, Steven and Theresa set out for Dubuque to meet Monica and Jerry, Marilyn and Gerri, and Marie and Rex. After stopping to change a flat tire, and going back for a different rental car, we were there. Monica and Jerry were happy to finally meet us.
Theresa, Terry, and Monica pose for a quick picture before heading out with Steven and Jerry for a late afternoon snack.
On Sunday Steven, Theresa, Terry, Monica and Jerry met Marie, Rex, Marilyn and Gerri at the Perkins restaurant. It was a wonderful feeling to be "breaking bread" with this group of folks.
Pictured are (from left to right) Rex, Marie, Marilyn, Gerri, Monica, Jerry, and seated are Steven, Theresa and Terry.
Most of us brought pictures along so that the others could see the path Rombergs has taken over the years. We all spent the afternoon swapping stories, and getting to know each other better.
Well here we are, 5 people with Rombergs all standing together in the same spot. As far as we know, this was the LARGEST gathering of people with Rombergs in history.
It's not "Good-Bye", it's only "Until we meet again."
We looked forward to this weekend with much anticipation. It's one thing to write letters, send pictures, and call each other on the phone....but to have that person standing right next to you is overwhelming. You just can't hug a person properly over the phone.
We would like to thank someone who is responsible for the Romberg's Connection getting off the ground. This someone has made it all possible by working quietly from the sidelines, orchestrating our every movement. This special someone has freely given us strength, courage, hope, love, and friendship. If He had not first given it to us, we would not be able to offer it to each other. We would like to thank God for all the wonders that He has shown us in our lives. We'd like to thank Him for helping us find each other, and bringing us all together.
This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.
All photos and text are the property of the families represented, and may not be used without their consent.
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